
Patch Insulin Pump

This product is intended for subcutaneous (under the skin) delivery of insulin at set and variable rates for the management of  diabetes mellitus in persons requiring insulin and for the quantitative measurement of glucose in fresh whole capillary blood (in vitro).


This insulin pump system is suitable for patients with diabetes requiring short- term or long-term insulin pump therapy.

The blood glucose test function of the Personal Diabetes Assistant (PDA) is suitable for measuring the blood glucose level of whole blood samples that meet the following requirements:

Personal Diabetes Assistant

Send commands securely to your pump with the encrypted Bluetooth connection. No PDA with you? Use the quick bolus feature on the patch pump. Swim laps? Simply disconnect Equil.

Active Insulin Time

The lenght to time that insulin remains active and available in your body after a correction bolus. Quick acting U100 insulin should be used in the pump.

Insulin Sensitivity Factor

How much one unit of insulin can decrease blood glucose level. This number is used to calculate bolus injection amounts

Basal Rate

Basal insulin is administerered to maintain target blood glucose levels when not eating. You can configure up to thre basal programs with Equil, which can help, you adapt to different situations (for example, workdays, weekends, and sick days). Each basal program can be configured with up to 48 scheduled basal rate change within one day. However, if you are new to using an insulin pump. you may decide to only use one or two balal rates during the day.

Target Blood Glucose Level

Insulin pump therapy requires atarget blood glucose level. The purpose of an insulin pump is to keep the patient’s blood glucose within a target blood glucose level range.

Carbohydrate Ratio

The number of grams of carbohydrates that can be covered by 1 unit of insulin.


• Cannula Inserter
• Pump Battery
• Pump Battery Charger
• PDA Charger
• PDA Charging Cable

Monthly Consumables

• Equil Insulin Reservoir
• Equil Insulin Infusion Set (Cannula &
Insulin Pump Base)
• Microtech Exactive EQ blood glucose
test strips

Starter Kit